$ Electronic Data Sheet for the LinMot(R) E1100 GP DeviceNet servo controller
$ unit. Servo controller for 1 axis.
$ LinMot
$ Haerdlistrasse 15
$ CH-8957 Spreitenbach
$ http://www.LinMot.com
$ email: office@linmot.com
$ Tel. ++41 (0)56 419 91 91
$ Fax. ++41 (0)56 419 91 92
$ The IO size may be configured with the distributed LinMot-Talk1100 configuration SW. If 
$ your DeviceNet configuration tool doesn't support adaption of IO size and IO mode
$ you may have to adapt the IO size manually in this file.


	DescText	= "LinMot E1100-GP EDS File";                                                                                                                                                              
	CreateDate	= 10-06-2005;                            
	CreateTime	= 14:00:00;                            
	ModDate		= 02-04-2008;                              
	ModTime		= 14:00:00;                             
	Revision	= 1.001;                                   

	VendCode    	= 0x24D;			$ LinMot Vendor Code
	VendName    	= "LinMot Vendor ID 589";
	ProdType    	= 0x0;				$ Product Type
	ProdTypeStr 	= "Generic Device";
	ProdCode    	= 1665;				$ Product Code 150-1665
	MajRev      	= 0x1;				$ Major Rev
	MinRev      	= 0x001;			$ Minor Rev
	ProdName    	= "E1100-GP";		
	Catalog     	= "Linear Servo Motors";

	Default		= 0x0001;			$ IO type mask, only supported is polled

	PollInfo 	= 0x0001,			$ Poll connection
			  1,				$ Input1 entry is the default input connection.
			  1;				$ Output1 entry is the default output connection.

	Input1		= 18,				$ servo controller output size, default value 18 bytes
			  0,				$ all bits significant
			  0x0001,			$ compatible IO type mask polled default
			  "Response Data",		$ data depends on the configured response datas
			  6,				$ Path length.
			  "20 04 24 03 30 03",		$ Path to I/O Production Assembly
			  "Data depends on config";	$ help text

	Output1		= 20,				$ servo controller input size, default value 20 bytes
			  0,				$ all bits significant
			  0x0001,			$ compatible IO type mask polled default
			  "command Data",		$ data depends on the configured command datas
			  6,				$ Path length.
			  "20 04 24 04 30 03",		$ Path to I/O Production Assembly
			  "Data depends on config";	$ help text