/[OlderReleasesMatrix]/OlderReleasesMatrix.xlsx | Logged in as: $REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER= |
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Revision Log
Sticky Revision: |
V6S10_IM and V6S10_Build20210521 added
OlderReleasesMatrix 6.1 in 6.10 changed
OlderReleasesMatrix corrected
V6S9_Build20210430 added
Add Build 6.9 20200727, Build 6.9 20201026 and Build 6.9 20210203
Add Builds 6.8 Build 20200120 6.8 Build 20200316 6.9 Build 20200320 6.9 Build 20200528
Add storage info to Matrix
change the paths to repo001.linmot.com
all pathes updatet
change the o to an O in the path
Update pathes
change the source path unti 6.3
change a path
new save of the matrix there was a problem with the version
add end -> at the end it has a semikolon
change the order in the matrix VersionRevision is the last column
update matrix, add foldername
Add Matrix
This form allows you to request diffs between any two revisions of this file. For each of the two "sides" of the diff, enter a numeric revision.
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