Parent Directory
Other Motors/
129 |
3 years |
m_kammer |
Add Motor 8LVA_EnDat_KTY_20210922.adp in the Customer Specific folder
LinMot Rotary Motors/
39 |
4 years |
m_kammer |
Bring the server on state of 6.9, the MotorLogFile has only the part All
LinMot Modules/
130 |
3 years |
e_ciminelli |
0150-4171, 0150-4175: V3S6 enabled.
LinMot Linear Rotary Motors/
119 |
3 years |
e_ciminelli |
0150-2533, -4014, -4016, 4076: ADF updated.
LinMot Linear Motors/
133 |
3 years |
e_ciminelli |
PS01-48x150Gxxx-SSCP-xxx, PS01-48x150xxx-M01 and PS01-48x240xxx-M01: ADF V3S5